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Shi Er Hou (T VT.02)


12 points total

  • These points are arranged in 2 lines of 3 points inferior to the clavicle (6 points on each side). The first line is 1.3 cun inferior to the clavicle, and the second line is 2.8 cun inferior to the clavicle. The 3 points are 1.5 cun apart. 8 of the points are nearby or on Kufang (ST 14), Wuyi (ST 15), Shencang (KI 25), Yuzhong (KI 26).
  • Cholera
  • 喉痧 "Monkey Sha" which is scarlet fever or the result of severe common cold or flu, cholera
  • Asthma due to arteriosclerosis
  • Food poisoning with abdominal pain but no vomiting
  • Diarrhea
Master Tung's Reaction Areas: 
Premium CORE content - Gold Pass Member access only. Details
Balance Method: 
Premium CORE content - Gold Pass Member access only. Details

Pinch the skin while bleeding the points to avoid unnecessary harm.